7 Beauty Tips For Busy Muslim Women

7 Beauty Tips For Busy Muslim Women - Mersi Cosmetics

Women all around the world have one thing in common (besides tons of other things!), and that is their love for beauty tips. However, nothing hurts more than having lots of tips but not being able to follow them because of a hectic routine. 

Managing your beauty routine with a busy schedule is challenging, but you can always find a way if you want to. If you have no time for a lengthy multi-step skincare routine, we have a cheat sheet for you.

This article treats all our busy Muslim women with some amazing tips to help them maintain a beauty routine without compromising on their other duties. 

7 Beauty Tips for Busy Women

Whether you are a working woman with a hectic schedule or a hardworking homemaker taking care of your family, your busy routine can get in the way of building a beauty routine. But not anymore; we have compiled some of the best tips to fit into your schedule and transform your skincare. 

1. Apply Fresh Aloe Vera Gel

Do you have a green thumb? Even if you don’t, get an aloe vera plant to improve your beauty routine. Aloe vera gel works as a natural moisturizer, fights aging signs on the skin, reduces acne, lightens blemishes, and soothes sunburn.   

In short, it is packed with lots of benefits for your skin. You can apply packaged aloe vera gels too, but there is no comparison of the fresh ones. It only takes a few seconds to apply it to your skin. Leave it on for a few minutes while you do some other tasks. Wash it off with a mild cleanser or only tap water.

Now you have hydrated and nourished skin within a few minutes. You can dry your face, apply your everyday makeup, and you’re good to go. You can also use this tip in your nighttime skincare routine. It has no serious side effects on the skin, but if your skin feels irritated, you may discontinue using it. 

2. Spray Rose Water

Rose water has always been a vital natural skincare and beauty ingredient. It is known for its refreshing fragrance and soothing effect on the skin. From cleansers to moisturizers, and toners, you can find many beauty products containing rose water. 

For quick use, fill an empty spray bottle with rose water and use it as a toner on your skin. After washing your face with your favorite cleanser, spray some water on your face and let it dry. It reduces skin irritation and balances your skin’s natural oil. 

Some other benefits of rose water spray include skin hydration, reduced redness, balanced skin tone, and reduced puffiness. You can keep it at room temperature during winter and in a refrigerator during summer for a cooling effect on your skin. 

3. Use Natural Scrubs

Scrubbing is a popular way to remove first, dust and dead skin cells from your skin. The best thing is that you do not have to do it daily, so it easily fits into your busy schedule. You can easily make and use a scrub with natural ingredients at your home (forget long sessions at a beauty salon!). 

Following are some easy-to-make and use natural scrubs for your skin that you can make with your kitchen ingredients. 

  • Mix rice flour and yogurt to create a scrub-like paste. Massage it onto your skin for a few minutes and wash it off. You can replace rice flour with oatmeal too. 
  • Mix equal amounts of ground coffee and brown sugar with coconut and almond oil. You may also add a few drops of essential oil and use it like a scrub on your skin. 
  • Use ground almonds and mix them with honey. Add a few drops of rose oil and grapeseed oil until you get your desired consistency, and use it. 
  • Mash some strawberries in plain yogurt and add some drops of apple cider vinegar if you have oily skin. Mix it well before applying it to your skin. 

Don’t use any of these scrubs more than three times a week if you have oily skin and twice a week if you have sensitive and dry skin. Use gentle hand movement to scrub your skin and avoid rubbing it too hard. After scrubbing your skin, moisturize it well to avoid dehydration.  

4. Apply Hair Masks

Don’t have time for professional hair treatments? No problem, you can treat your hair at home too. Heat, dust, oil buildup, and styling can damage your hair. Using hair masks is the best way to repair damaged hair, treat issues like dandruff, moisturize and strengthen them. 

There are hundreds of hair masks available in the market; use them during showering to get super soft and silky hair. You can also make some at your home. 

  • Mix olive oil and honey and apply it on dry hair. Massage it and leave it on for half an hour before washing your hair thoroughly with a mild shampoo. 
  • Whisk an egg and mix it with honey and apple cider vinegar. Apply it on hair from root to tips and wear a shower cap. Wash your hair after an hour.
  • Mash a banana and add some honey and coconut oil to it. Mix it well and apply it to your hair. Leave it on for 80-90 minutes, and wash your hair with lukewarm water. 
  • Mix mayonnaise and yogurt in a ratio of 2:1 and put almond oil in it. Create a smooth paste and apply it to your hair. Leave for 15-20 minutes and wash it. 

Use hair masks at least once a week to avoid several hair problems. They keep your hair healthy and flawless, so you can style them however you want. 

5. Focus on Hand Care

Hands and nail care must be an important part of your beauty routine. They often get neglected the most in a hectic routine. You can follow some simple and time-saving tips for making sure that your hands and nails are getting the care they need. 

  • The first step is to moisturize your hands timely. Every time you wash your hands, your hands lose moisture. Use a good moisturizer to lock the moisture in your skin and keep them hydrated.  
  • Use a hand mask to make your skin glow and fight signs of aging. It also helps to treat pigmented skin. Scrub your hands with sugar and lemon juice, and then apply a honey and lemon juice mask to your hands and knuckles. 
  • Wear gloves when doing things like washing dishes, clothes, or cleaning. Chemical-based cleaning products can cause your skin to dry out or get dark. Protective gloves prevent this and allow you to have youthful hands. 
  • Trim and file your nails regularly. Besides moisturizing them, it is important to keep them in good shape too. Also, avoid keeping nail polish on for too long or use halal nail polish to let your nails breathe. 
  • Always apply sunscreen on your hands before going out in the sun. You can also use a moisturizer with SPF 30 or 50 to protect your hands from UV rays. 

Just like your face, your hands need cleansing, scrubbing, and moisturizing too. So, never miss it and follow the same routine for your feet too. You can always visit Mersi Cosmetics for getting the perfect products for your nails. We offer halal nail polish which are great for your nailcare and hands. 

6. Take off your Makeup

Do you often apply makeup and don’t get time to remove it before going to bed? If yes, you are doing great injustice to your skin. Many skin issues arise due to not removing makeup from your skin daily. 

Make a rule of not going to bed without taking off the makeup and stand with it. You do not need to make much effort for this. There are various products available in the market to help you take off your makeup quickly. 

Some of the things you can use include makeup wipes, micellar water, baby oil, cleanser, coconut oil, or the traditional makeup remover. Whatever you choose, make it a part of your routine whenever you have makeup on. 

7. Eat Healthy

The biggest secret to beautiful skin, healthy hair, flawless nails, and beauty is a healthy diet. It has a significant impact on how you look. For all busy Muslim women, the easiest way to take care of yourself is to eat healthily. 

Drink lots of water throughout the day. It helps you fight several skin-related issues, including minimizing wrinkles and bringing a glow to the skin. It keeps the skin hydrated and also improves your skin tone by flushing out the toxins from your body. Squeeze a lemon in a glass of water and drink it daily in the morning to get the best results. 

Besides water, include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Eat food rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, and antioxidants. Some of the best foods for healthy skin include kiwi, broccoli, citrus fruits, mangoes, carrots, fish, green tea, soybeans, and nuts. 

Redesign your regular diet, and you will witness a great difference in your skin and body. 

How to Build a Skincare Routine?

Building a skincare routine takes something more than knowing all the tips. You need to consider some important factors to ensure that you are investing your time purposefully. The following are some considerations you must take into account before building a skincare routine. 

Choose the right skincare. 

Before setting a skincare routine, take time to understand what products and methods suit your skin. Not everything works for everyone, especially when it comes to skin. Don’t rush towards trends blindly, and choose what’s best for you. 

Never compromise on cleanliness. 

Cleanliness is the first step to achieving your skincare goals, so make it count. Make sure you keep yourself, your environment, and everything you use clean. Your makeup brushes, tools, and equipment must always be clean. 

Choose high-quality products. 

Prefer quality over price. Whatever you put on your skin has a significant impact on it, so choose wisely. Whatever you use must be high in quality and suitable for your skin. Don’t associate the quality of products with their prices as many people do; rather, consult experts to get authentic information. 

Become organized.

Unorganized and cluttered things can lead you to lose your motivation. Try to become organized by keeping all your skincare things in their places. You may use some organizers to keep your beauty items together so that they are readily available to you when you need them. 

Allow your skin to breathe.

You do not always need to wear makeup to look beautiful. Enjoy yourself, and don’t let external pressure determine how you should look. Wearing makeup every day is a personal choice, but it is always good to let your natural beauty shine. Appreciate what you have and enjoy some “me-time” to refresh you from within. 

Sit back and relax.

Try to make a routine but don’t force yourself into it. Otherwise, you might feel overwhelmed. Stay flexible in the beginning, and soon you will be able to adjust it into your daily schedule. Stressing yourself will only make your skin issues worse, so avoid it. Try to focus on the positives and keep practising.  

Bottom Line

All these tips allow you to maintain healthy and beautiful skin and make your unique style statement without dedicating hours to an extensive beauty routine. You can include some additional steps too, whenever you have time and feel the need. Remember, consistency is the key to getting visible results, especially when it comes to skincare. Be consistent, and you will see your efforts paying off soon. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the secrets of beauty in Islam?

Some secrets or beauty tips in Islam include,

  • Use Miswak daily.
  • Perform ablution to cleanse your skin deeply. 
  • Apply Kohl (a type of powdered eyeliner) to your eyes.  
  • Apply hair oil to nourish your scalp. 
  • Use henna to embellish your hands. 
  • Smile more. 

What does Islam say about skincare?

Islam regards cleanliness, personal hygiene, and self-care as integral parts of life. It directs followers to take care of their bodies, their safety, cleanliness, and maintenance. It encourages skincare as long as you are using halal skincare products. 

What foods help skin glow?

Several food items, including fruits and vegetables, can help make your skin glow. They include mangoes, tomatoes, almonds, berries, avocados, fish, and leafy greens. The secret is to eat a fresh, healthy, and balanced diet.  

What to apply on the face before sleeping?

You must apply a good moisturizer on your face after washing it before sleeping. You can also apply oils like almond oil, coconut oil, or lavender oil to nourish the skin and give it a youthful glow. 

What are haram beauty ingredients?

Beauty ingredients such as glycerin, gelatin, collagen, alcohol, lecithin, and fatty acids usually used in makeup products are haram. All beauty products containing prohibited ingredients are considered haram.  

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