Skincare: 5 Tips To Change Your Summer

Skincare: 5 Tips To Change Your Summer - Mersi Cosmetics

With Summer in full bloom, it is more important now than ever to take care of your skin. These 5 skincare tips will surely get you on the right track! 

1. Treat different areas of your face differently

Listen to your skin. Skincare is different from person to person, it might need to vary between areas of your face as well. Your face is different, from your temples to your forehead, T-zone, cheeks and jawline. So treat it differently. Often times, the T-zone and cheeks are problematic areas for oily skin. This is where a detoxifying face mask would be beneficial, but you don’t want to dry out the areas of your skin that aren’t oily. Face masks and cleansers aren’t one size fits all. So, use a moisturizing mask on the other areas of your face, such as your jawline, temples, and forehead. Mix and match as needed to find a routine that works for you.

2. Moisturize

Speaking of moisturizing face masks, using a moisturizer is one of the most important parts of a skincare routine. Moisturizing helps to maintain balance between oiliness and dryness; extremes of both are bad for the skin and can cause pimples! It’s especially important following a warm shower since the water dries out your skin. Lack of moisture can also cause wrinkles. Using a moisturizer will help keep your skin nice and fresh. Even though moisturizing may feel like a chore, it’s a necessity that can help keep your skin young and pretty.

3. Use sunscreen!

UV rays can be harmful! Avoid direct sun when possible. The heat can cause inflammation and collagen breakdown, so it’s better to just avoid it or wear a hat if you can. For when you can’t, be sure to use sunscreen, and not just on your face, but on your ears too. SPF 30 should do the trick! Don’t forget that your lips also need coverage; this can be protected with a lip balm, and this also brings us back to point #2 – moisturize! Remember, reapply your sunscreen and lip balm every few hours to maintain the protection.

4. Clean your makeup brushes regularly

skincare clean brushLeftover makeup in brushes can cause blocked pores and even an infection. In order to prevent bacteria buildup, you need to clean your brushes. It is important to be aware of what you are putting on your face, and being cognizant can help prevent breakouts. Unsure when and how to clean your brushes? Allure Beauty’s experts have a great detailed explanation.

5. Pay attention to what you’re sleeping on

While it’s important to sleep well, the material you’re sleeping on can cause a change in your skin as well. Clean silk pillowcases are a great option for preventing wrinkles. As a bonus, silk also works wonders for hair! Silk has a smooth surface that causes less friction between your skin, hair, and the pillow.



Come up with a skincare routine and stick to it.

For more tips and tricks for skincare check out Huda Beauty.

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